Herbana’s beginnings date back to 1936 when the pharmacist mag. Jože Oblak (1893-1963) made his first herbal ointment »Okama«. Reputation of the product was spreat from his pharmacy in Šentvid near Ljubljana all over Slovenia and wider. Jože Oblak showed his interest in pharmacy already as a young officer in the First World War. He was counseling his fellow soldiers for many health issues and regularly mixed various preparations to heal or nourish various problems. During the two wars, mag. Jože Oblak successfully managed his pharmacy and regularly attended additional education courses. During the Second World War, he was again actively involved in the resistance movement, where he worked in the medical unit and provided his company with ointments and bandages for wound care. Until the retirement of 1958, many other products were developed, including the Herban cream, which represented the crown of all his knowledge.

At that time it was the first herbal cream in the wider area. Herbal products were prepared in the pharmacy based on the knowledge of traditional people’s use and recent scientific findings. So these were the synergistic fruit of tradition and science. His son, Jože Oblak, succeeded him on the field of herbalism, and successfully continued his father’s tradition. Herbana company, which rise on fertile ground of knowledge of two generations is in the hands of mag. Tine Oblak, the grandson of the pharmacist mag. Jože Oblak.

pharmacist mag. Jože Oblak (1893-1963) from St. Vid, Ljubljana.